Grupo AGM


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AGM Sports will help you out with all the logistics while you are here in Spain. We will provide a special combination of cultural activities and soccer, thanks to the good relationships we have in Barcelona and Madrid, allowing this trip to be both an incredible team-building and culturally-enriching experience to remember for seasons to come.

  • Why Spain? ▼
  • Trip Features ▼
  • Estimated Costs ▼


  • Day 1: Departure from the USA or Canada.
  • Day 2: Arrival, hotel check-in, practice and city night walk.
  • Day 3: Morning practice and La Liga BBVA Game.
  • Day 4: Soccer match and Barcelona/Madrid City Highlights.
  • Day 5: Training session and trip to seaside towns such as Sitges (Barcelona) / Shopping / Free time.
  • Day 6: Soccer match and theme park visit after the game.
  • Day 7: Practice and departure from Spain.

* Final schedule to be adjusted by coaches