Grupo AGM


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The strong relationship between Monaco Sports and AGM Sports will allow you to take the best of your trip to Europe visiting two soccer capitals of the world during your trip. Our team will provide a perfect combination of sports and cultural activities to make this a once in a lifetime experience.

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  • Day 1: Departure from the USA or Canada
  • Day 2: Arrival, hotel check-in, practice and city walk
  • Day 3: Soccer Match and Barcelona City Highlights + La Liga BBVA Game.
  • Day 4: Training session and trip to seaside towns such as Lloret de Mar, Sitges or Tossa de Mar.
  • Day 5: Soccer Match and flight to Munich
  • Day 6: Training session and Munich city walk
  • Day 7: Soccer Match and trip to River Isar
  • Day 8:
  • Day 9: Munich City Tour + Bundesliga Soccer Game
  • Day 10: Fly back to the USA or Canada

* Final schedule to be adjusted by coaches


“We had an awesome time in Barcelona and we loved Munich & Salzburg, Austria too. It honestly was a first-class experience the whole way and I credit a lot of that to you all and the coaches for your careful planning and execution of the trip!”

“Everything was organized, well planned, and provided our guys the opportunity to train and improve as a team while immersing themselves in the culture of Barcelona. We thoroughly enjoyed working with you all and will recommend your group to other schools interested in a foreign tour.”