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Grupo AGM

Privacy Policy

The information you provide will be stored in a database that is owned and responsibility by AGM SPORTS. That database is registered in the General Register Data Protection (RGPD) from the Spanish Agency for Data Protection. The collection and automated processing of personal data are needed to address their queries and / or requests for our services. Refusal will lead to an inability to answer or resolve their requests. The collection will be conducted with the aim of addressing and properly process the requests for consultation or requests received, and your data will be used in administrative management and trading of these, as well as for sending commercial information about our products and services with general or tailored to their characteristics, offered by AGM SPORTS at present and in future for which it provides us with their explicit consent.

All information that facilitates the user through the Services of the Website must be truthful. To this end, the user guarantees the authenticity of all those who provide data as a result of the completion of the forms necessary for the request or query the Services. Similarly, it is your responsibility to keep all information provided to AGM SPORTS continually updated so that it responds at all times to the actual situation of the user. In any case the user will be solely responsible for demonstrations that make false or inaccurate and the damage caused to AGM SPORTS.

Regarding the information sent by underage students, and for us to process this personal information, it is an indispensible requirement to have previously obtained the consent of the parents, tutor or legal representative

However, we inform you that you can act upon your access rights at any time, modify, cancel or retrieve your personal information sending a letter to ATHLETES GLOBAL MANAGEMENT SPORTS S.L. Customer Service. Avda. María Zambrano 31, World Trade Center, Torre Oeste, Planta 10, 50018 Zaragoza

According to the applicable law (LOPD), the application must contain the name of the user, address, date and signature, a photocopy of ID or equivalent and the contents of the petition that wish to make, if any. The personal information you provide will not be transferred to third parties.

Under the current legislation on data protection, we have taken appropriate level of safety to the data you provide, and in addition, we have taken all the measures at our disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, no access authorized and stealing from them.

Data protection policy of AGM SPORTS can vary due to possible legislative changes or demanded judgement of the Protection Policy Agency, but in any case, we will adapt the necessary variations to adjust our policy to the current legislation and to the protection criteria of the user. In this term, if a change ocurred, we will keep you informed via this same page